3 Money Beliefs That Are Limiting Your Financial Success

Do you ever feel like your thoughts regarding money are limiting your ability to become successful at managing your personal finances? Or do you carry self-sabotaging beliefs that are stopping you from ridding your life of debt or from progressing to that next financial level? I did.  But instead of allowing myself to stay stuck, I researched how to overcome it.  I have listed below 3 limiting beliefs I overcame and ways I fixed them.  As a bonus, I have included the two most mindset-shifting books that helped further assist me with ridding my life of limiting beliefs.  I know they will help you tremendously too.

Belief #1: I am not good with money.

Have you ever seen a child with an ability to walk immediately after she is born? No. Walking is a learned skill and so is good financial planning. You have to practice and sharpen this skill. By telling yourself that you are not “good with money”, you are holding yourself back. Because actions are a result of your beliefs and outcomes are a result of your actions, you will constantly set yourself up for failure and avoid taking the financial steps needed to become better at managing your personal finances.

Take some small, daily actions to begin building your confidence in managing money. Maybe start off by totaling how much debt you are in currently or checking your debit account daily to see what you typically spend money on. Most importantly, affirm yourself that you can win with money and take steps to do so!

Belief #2: I am very independent; I do not need financial advice from anyone else.

Being “Ms. Too Independent” will block you from seeking the financial advice or assistance you need to propel you to that next financial level you wish to attain. You should always be open to new ideas, perspectives, and even a helping hand – it may change your financial situation.

Reach out to your financially stable parents or elders to gain insight and advice on how they managed their personal finances properly overtime. Spark money conversations between your girlfriends or your significant other to bounce ideas and advice off of each other. Better yet, feel free to email me with a question or thought. I love having casual conversations in regards to properly managing personal finances as young women in today’s society!

Belief #3: I have worked hard for my money so I deserve to spend how I would like.

Living with a strong sense of entitlement is no way to live. You feel you are entitled to have a luxurious lifestyle and in response, you tend to overspend of material possessions because you simply want it. The issue here is that you may not have the income or financial situation to support the constant spending.

Shift your sense of entitlement from having nice possessions to having financial freedom. Become passionate about gaining control of your money and maintaining financial stability. It will be far more rewarding than the countless on-trend pieces in your wardrobe that you hardly wear anymore.

Two Book Suggestions To Overcome Limiting Beliefs And Money Blocks: 

#1: The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

(Audiobook via Audible – Click For Free Trial)

This book explains the many thought patterns that has been proven to lead to success.  It reveals how the brain works and how you harness your control the thoughts to achieve success instead of allowing your thought to run wild and torture you.

The first chapter starts off by explaining the book’s central princpal, the importance positive beliefs. In order to accomplish anything you need to believe first that it’s possible. Most people never really believe in themselves, and as a result, they never get far. The moment you truly believe that you will succeed, your mind starts to think of ways to get there.

Do you see why I have suggested this book to help you overcome your money blocks?  Click here to order it now and thank me later.










Content Overview for The Magic of Thinking Big:

  1. Believe You Can Succeed and You Will
  2. Cure Yourself of Excusitis, The Failure Disease
  3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
  4. How to Think Big
  5. How to Think and Dream Creatively
  6. You Are What You Think You Are
  7. Manage Your Environment: Go First Class
  8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
  9. Think Right Toward People
  10. Get the Action Habit
  11. How To Turn Defeat Into Victory
  12. Use Goals to Help You Grow
  13. How To Think Like A Leader


#2: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

(Audiobook via Audible – Click For Free Trial)

“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency.  As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the universe and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is you.” – Rhonda Byrne

The Secret explain the Law of Attraction and the importance positive beliefs. In order to accomplish anything you need to believe first that it’s possible. Most people never really believe in themselves, and as a result, they never get far. The moment you truly believe that you will succeed, your mind starts to think of ways to get there.  Again, order now and thank me later.









Content Overview of The Secret

  1. The Secret Revealed
  2. The Secret Made Simple
  3. How To Use The Secret
  4. Powerful Processes
  5. The Secret to Money
  6. The Secret to Relationships
  7. The Secret to Health
  8. The Secret to the World
  9. The Secret to You
  10. The Secret to Life

I would love to hear from you!  Comment below if you have identified any of these beliefs in yourself and ways you have shifted your mindset.  Also, let us know how you liked the books I suggested above.

All the Best,



3 Comments on 3 Money Beliefs That Are Limiting Your Financial Success

  1. Michele
    September 26, 2015 at 09:11 (9 years ago)

    Loved this!! I am working really hard to take control of a lot of things, my finances being one of the biggest. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!

    • Tara J.
      October 4, 2015 at 16:11 (9 years ago)

      You are so welcome Michele! Kudos to you for jumping in the driver’s seat and starting to control your cash flow. If you need further assistance and/or guidance from me, do not hesitate to contact me!

  2. Miss Paige
    July 14, 2017 at 14:32 (8 years ago)

    Good info! I am going to check these books out!


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